Another Tetris clone is just a Sailormoon version of it nothing really too special about it applies the same logic as the first version of the Tetris only improves if someone into say Sailermon then maybe it makes it look better or cool having the different women from the show as like player characters but not really any difference playing as each one except you see a different woman as your character as the only difference here.
Just in case the Kinect and a controller weren’t enough, you can also control many of the Xbox One’s features using the SmartGlass mobile app for Windows 8, Windows Phone, Android and iOS. As with just about every aspect of Microsoft’s new console, the app is similar to what’s already available on the 360, but with a few new features of varying utility. SmartGlass lets you view basic information like messages, achievements, and friend activity on the second screen. It also allows you to launch companion apps for games that have them — Dead Rising 3 in particular has an extensive companion app with some features exclusive to the second screen. After you get a cellphone in the game, you can use your real phone in place of the in-game phone to access a map of the city and receive missions over the phone; you can also look up items on the map, get text messages and gameplay hints, call a friend to help you fight off the zombie horde, or even request an airstrike from your phone. Forz...
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